The virtue of justice consists in moderation, as regulated by wisdom.

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Protecting Innovation: A Guide to India’s Semiconductor Layout-Design Act (SICLD), 2000

Understanding India’s Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Act (SICLD), 2000. Think of the tiny chips that power your smartphone, laptop, and even your car’s advanced features. Those are integrated circuits (ICs), intricate marvels of engineering. Designing these chips involves immense skill and resources – it’s like creating a detailed map of a city, but on a...

India’s Semiconductor Boom: Legal Challenges, Dispute Resolution, and Strategies for Success

India’s Ambitious Semiconductor Mission (ISM) India is making a bold move to become a major player in the global semiconductor industry. The India Semiconductor Mission (ISM), a specialized division within the Digital India Corporation, spearheads this initiative. Their mission is to foster a thriving semiconductor and display ecosystem, transforming India into a global hub for...

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